Hoodoo Heritage Month - Melanated Goddess Circle

Hoodoo Heritage Month


Celebrate Hoodoo Heritage Month by reconnecting with the ancestral spiritual traditions of Black women. Discover the history of Hoodoo, its significance, and how to honor your roots through rituals and ancestral veneration. Join Melanated Goddess

Tarot Myths - Black Women - Melanated Goddess Circle

Tarot Myths


Discover the truth behind common tarot myths and learn how Black women can reclaim tarot as a powerful tool for spiritual growth, ancestral connection, and self-discovery. Explore how tarot can guide you on your journey

Crystals Healing

Crystals for Healing – Emotional and Spiritual


Discover how to use crystals for emotional and spiritual healing on your journey as a Black woman. Learn how to choose, cleanse, and work with crystals like amethyst, rose quartz, and black tourmaline to awaken

Ancestral Altar - Melanated Goddess Circle

The Significance of an Ancestral Altar


Discover the significance of an ancestral altar for Black women on a spiritual journey. Learn how to create an altar to honor your ancestors, connect with your roots, and invite healing and guidance into your